Standing Together for Peace - Weekly Vigil

The Global Shapers Vienna co-initiated and co-organizes together with Standing Together Vienna, the One State Embassy Art Collective, the Austrian Centre for Peace, the International Institute for Peace and the Internationale Versöhnungsbund the initiative “Standing Together for Peace”. Since the war an Israel-Palestine erupted we are holding weekly vigils in the center of Vienna. It is peaceful vigil in 15min of silence, without speeches, without flags and without signs. In this silence we want to commemorate all those who are dying and suffering, express our pain about what is happening in Israel and Palestine and set a sign for peace, justice and humanity. It is an enduring standing up against injustice and violence, a loud "stop" instead of a mute looking away. It is creating a space of silence to allow all perspectives and collective emotions to be present, without dehumanizing and polarizing. Creating a space where the spark of hope for peace can flicker. All people are welcome.